Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How To Lose Of Your Stomach Fat

Ever since I started The 31 Day Fat Loss Cure I’ve gotten loads and loads of feedback from people who have lost 20+ lbs in just 31 days from using the program.
However, one of the biggest shocks to me was that people were losing tons of stomach fat WITHOUT even doing the exercises…

Ive gotten numerous stories like this, and even stories of people losing up to 36 lbs by just following my nutrition guidelines from the 31 Day Fat Loss Cure. Here’s the 3 secret foods you MUST eliminate from your diet if you want to lose stomach fat…..

#1 – No Sugar (artificial sweeteners included)

In many diets, sugar is the number one culprit when it comes to putting on weight, especially around your stomach. Simply by eliminating sugar, most people can lose 10 lbs in one month.

Some of the main foods that you need to look out for would be…
  • Soda (even diet soda)
  • Juices and Sweetened Teas (orange juice, apple juice etc…)
  • Processed Foods
Make sure you read labels and see how much sugar is in the food you are eating. If you are following the nutritional guidelines from the 31 Day Fat Loss Cure, then you wont be eating many foods that have food labels, so sugar should not be too much of a problem.

#2 – No Whole Grains

Usually when I tell people they need to stay away from whole grains, they look at me with a puzzled look. Food companies and the government have been telling us for years that whole grains are part of a healthy diet.


Your body was designed to eat meat, fruits, vegetables, nuts & seeds. Not processed foods like bread, cereal and pasta. Foods such as whole wheat bread and whole grain cereal are marketed as healthy, yet when I ask clients to drop these from their diet they ALWAYS lose fat, and feel so much better.

You’ll instantly notice you have more energy, feel better and you’ll probably lose 5-10 lbs of stomach fat in just a few weeks…

Some of the main culprits here would be cereal, bread, pasta, rice and corn.

#3 – No Dairy

Dairy is another one of those things that people think they need for “bone health”. Well guess what… Calcium helps you have strong bones, and you can find plenty of that in foods like spinach leaves, nuts, oranges, broccoli and celery.

Not only is dairy calorically dense, but its also VERY processed. One of the big things I preach is staying away from processed foods and making sure you focus on real foods!
The main culprits when it comes to weight gain with dairy are yogurt, milk, ranch dressing and cheese (note: eggs are not considered dairy, they come from a chicken, not a cow).

If you were to eliminate just these 3 foods from your diet (sugar, whole grains, dairy) then I guarantee you will easily lose 20 lbs+ of stomach fat. If you add in some of my killer workouts then you’ll lose even more!


Is this diet simple? Yes! Simple doesnt necessarily mean easy. For some people dropping these foods is a major lifestyle change and they would rather just bitch & moan about being overweight instead of doing something about it.

However, others like the lady above will take action and end up losing the most fat of their life in just a few weeks. It’s up to you!
Give this a shot for 2 weeks and see how you feel and look. I guarantee you’ll be SHOCKED by how much better you look…