Depression also affects the behavior of teenagers. Sleeping more is one of the signs of depression. But individuals suffering from depression may still be tired and weak after sleeping many hours. Conversely, some depressed teens suffer from insomnia or the inability to stay asleep. Eating too much or not eating enough is both possible with depression. Some teens may overeat as a way to medicate themselves while others turn to drugs or alcohol.
Teens may have little interest in school or homework and stop caring about the future. Some teens may have poor attendance records. Major depression is also known as unipolar disorder and clinical depression. It is a commonly occurring mood disorder throughout which the sufferer may feel persistently sad, overwhelmed, or hopeless. Major depression is more than just feeling blue it can affect the way you perform at work, your relationships at home, and your daily interests.
Sings and Symptoms of Depression in Teens: - There are few symptoms of teen depression i.e. teenager feeling fear of going to the college, he/she feeling sleep disturbances, feeling laziness, crying without any reason, not communication with the friends, and teenager thinking of ending their life.
• Withdrawal from friends and family
• Loss of interest in activities
• Changes in eating and sleeping habits
• Sadness or hopelessness
• Feelings of irritability
• Feelings of sadness, despair, and emptiness
• Inability to feel pleasure
• Low self-esteem
• Loss of motivation and withdrawal from others
• Tearfulness or frequent crying
• Difficulty concentrating
• Thoughts of death or suicide
• Restlessness and agitation
• Feelings of worthlessness and guilt
• Lack of enthusiasm and motivation
• Fatigue or lack of energy
How to Help a Depressed Teenager: - When teenagers are suffering with depression, they aren't always able to ask for help and may even refuse your help at times. It is important that you:
• Take their depression seriously.
• Offer unconditional love and concern.
• Take time to listen when they want to talk about their feelings.
• Show them you are available without being ‘pushy'.
• Encourage them to do things you know they enjoy.
• Notice the little things they are doing that you approve of.
• Support and encourage your child to get help without nagging.
• If your child won't go for help and you are worried, go by yourself first and get some advice on how to best handle the situation.
• Take seriously any talk about suicide and actions such as giving away special things – do whatever is needed to ensure their safety, even if it is against their wishes.
• Make sure you don't keep a gun in your home.