Friday, January 20, 2012

Paula Deen reveals her Type 2 diabetes diagnosis

Paula Deen on Tuesday came out of the closet -- the Type 2 Diabetes closet.
"I was diagnosed three years ago, during a regular physical exam with my doctor, that I had Type 2 diabetes," said the celebrity chef, "and I'm here today to let the world know that it is not a death sentence."

She said she intentionally didn't go public at the time of her diagnosis because she had "nothing to give to my fellow friends out there." Now she's partnered as a paid spokeswoman for the pharmaceutical company that provides her diabetes medication, to offer an lifestyle-drug combo plan via the Website Diabetes in a New Light.

"I wanted to bring something to the table when I came forward, and I've always been one to think that I bring hope, because I've had lots of obstacles in my life, y'all."

Rumors that Deen was diabetic first arose a year ago, then popped up again last week ahead of her announcement. As Deen's stock in trade is high-fat, high-calorie traditional Southern cooking, and Type 2 diabetes is linked to obesity, among other things, such a revelation couldn't help but come with a whiff of scandal.
In August, fellow celeb chef Anthony Bourdain told TV Guide, "The worst, most dangerous person to America is clearly Paula Deen. She revels in unholy connections with evil corporations and she's proud of the fact that her food is ... bad for you."

Pressed by Al Roker about whether she had changed her diet, she held firm. "I've always eaten in moderation. People see me on television ... cooking all these wonderfully fattening Southern dishes. ... That's only 30 days out of 365, and it's for entertainment."

She admitted separately, however, that there's "no more sweet tea for me." In addition to being overweight or obese, Type 2 diabetes risk factors include genetics, age and lack of exercise.
Later Tuesday on "The Talk," the hosts were generally supportive but Sara Gilbert did say she wished Deen wasn't out there promoting medication as an answer for Type 2 diabetes, but rather taking the opportunity to step up as a leader for living a healthy lifestyle.

Still, Sharon Osbourne pointed out, Deen "has a style of traditional American cooking. She doesn't force people to do her recipes. ... People aren't stupid. You either like her food or you don't. She doesn't force anyone, and God bless her.

Click here to get How To Reverse Diabetes Now: Normalize your blood sugar and start your path to freedom from insulin in 60 days or less... or your money back

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Timing Intercourse to Choose the Gender of Your Child

While there are no guarantees when it comes to natural gender selection, there are a few things that can be done to increase the likelihood of having a little boy or a little girl. If you are specifically wanting a boy or girl, it certainly doesn’t hurt to try a few natural techniques. You may not get the gender you want, but it sure is fun trying and the result is the same regardless. 

In order to understand how the timing of when you have sex can impact the gender of your child it is important to look at two different things – first, how ovulation works and second, how the differences in sperm affect this timing. Let's look at ovulation first.

Every month, there is a window of fertility that is approximately five days long. Three days prior to ovulation to one day following ovulation are the best times to conceive. Remember, the egg only has 24 hours of viability, and that sperm can live for up to five days in the reproductive tract. Each woman is different however, but this is the generally accepted "window of fertility" that occurs every month.

So, now that you've narrowed it down to five days of the month where you are fertile, it's time to figure out how to time your intercourse to choose the gender of your child. Let's take a look at the differences in sperm that carry the chromosomes that decide gender.
A sperm carrying the Y chromosome will result in a boy if it successfully fertilizes the egg. A sperm carrying the X chromosome will result in a girl. There are some main differences in these sperm that are important to understand. The Y sperm are very small, but also very quick and agile. The main downside is that they don't live very long. The X sperm are bigger and much slower, but on the flip side, they live a lot longer. 

Keeping this in mind, now let's move to timing. In order to have a boy, it is vital to allow the Y sperm the time they need to reach the egg as quickly as possible. This means that you need to time intercourse on the day that you ovulate. The Y sperm won't live much longer than that 24 hour period that the egg is viable and you need to give them that chance to meet the egg before they expire.

On the other hand, if you want to have a girl, you should time intercourse to two to three days prior to ovulation. During this time, the Y sperm will have died out, leaving the slower but more durable X sperm behind. This greatly increases the chances that you will have a girl.
There are many other factors that can effect the gender of your child such as diet, and even the sexual position that you use, but timing it properly can help you naturally select your child's gender.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?

While many parents would be ecstatic with either outcome, some couples are secretly hoping for one or the other. What if you could decide and control whether your child was a boy or girl?

Couples who have followed our program have experienced a 94% success rate in their chosen gender outcomes!!

As a former midwife, I was able to learn firsthand the techniques that worked and those that didn’t when it came to couples working to control the gender outcomes of their children. Today, I have been able to share what I have learned with couples from around the world.

Some of my learnings include the following factors which can affect the sex of your child:
• Diet
• Lifestyle and stress level
• Sexual positions
• Working with your ovulation cycle to determine the ideal points to attempt conception
• Abstinence or frequency of sexual intercourse

To learn more about the proven methods for determining your baby’s gender, order my book, “Prince or Princess - Steps Toward Choosing your Baby’s Gender Prior to Conception.”

With over a 94% success rate, what do you have to lose?

For more informasi visit Plan My Baby

Friday, July 22, 2011

How To Lose Your Belly Fat

One of the toughest things for men and women to do is to lose the fat from the lower part of their belly (especially as you get older)

There are many reasons why this type of fat hangs around, but let’s get down to what you need to do to get rid of it… see this The 31 Day Fat Loss

#1 – Cut out Whole Grains & Dairy

I’m assuming you already have a good diet if you’re worried about your lower abs…

When it comes to showing off those lower abs, the #1 priority will be your nutrition. You can do crunches and situps to your heart’s content, but if you want to actually see your lower abs, then you’ll need to dial in your nutrition…

My recommendation here is to knock out all whole grains and dairy products.

The main problem foods usually are…

- Milk
- Yogurt
- Ranch Dressing
- Rice
- Bread
- Pasta
- Cereal

By eliminating these foods you’ll see major loss in belly fat especially in your lower abdominal region. Once you have the nutrition down, you’ll need to focus on some harder ab exercises that work that area…

These include exercises like hanging leg raises and v-ups.

Once you follow the nutrition guidelines above and start doing some hanging leg raises, you’ll easily begin to lose your lower belly fat. If you’re more than 10 % bodyfat then you should just focus on losing stomach fat.

Good luck!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How To Lose Of Your Stomach Fat

Ever since I started The 31 Day Fat Loss Cure I’ve gotten loads and loads of feedback from people who have lost 20+ lbs in just 31 days from using the program.
However, one of the biggest shocks to me was that people were losing tons of stomach fat WITHOUT even doing the exercises…

Ive gotten numerous stories like this, and even stories of people losing up to 36 lbs by just following my nutrition guidelines from the 31 Day Fat Loss Cure. Here’s the 3 secret foods you MUST eliminate from your diet if you want to lose stomach fat…..

#1 – No Sugar (artificial sweeteners included)

In many diets, sugar is the number one culprit when it comes to putting on weight, especially around your stomach. Simply by eliminating sugar, most people can lose 10 lbs in one month.

Some of the main foods that you need to look out for would be…
  • Soda (even diet soda)
  • Juices and Sweetened Teas (orange juice, apple juice etc…)
  • Processed Foods
Make sure you read labels and see how much sugar is in the food you are eating. If you are following the nutritional guidelines from the 31 Day Fat Loss Cure, then you wont be eating many foods that have food labels, so sugar should not be too much of a problem.

#2 – No Whole Grains

Usually when I tell people they need to stay away from whole grains, they look at me with a puzzled look. Food companies and the government have been telling us for years that whole grains are part of a healthy diet.


Your body was designed to eat meat, fruits, vegetables, nuts & seeds. Not processed foods like bread, cereal and pasta. Foods such as whole wheat bread and whole grain cereal are marketed as healthy, yet when I ask clients to drop these from their diet they ALWAYS lose fat, and feel so much better.

You’ll instantly notice you have more energy, feel better and you’ll probably lose 5-10 lbs of stomach fat in just a few weeks…

Some of the main culprits here would be cereal, bread, pasta, rice and corn.

#3 – No Dairy

Dairy is another one of those things that people think they need for “bone health”. Well guess what… Calcium helps you have strong bones, and you can find plenty of that in foods like spinach leaves, nuts, oranges, broccoli and celery.

Not only is dairy calorically dense, but its also VERY processed. One of the big things I preach is staying away from processed foods and making sure you focus on real foods!
The main culprits when it comes to weight gain with dairy are yogurt, milk, ranch dressing and cheese (note: eggs are not considered dairy, they come from a chicken, not a cow).

If you were to eliminate just these 3 foods from your diet (sugar, whole grains, dairy) then I guarantee you will easily lose 20 lbs+ of stomach fat. If you add in some of my killer workouts then you’ll lose even more!


Is this diet simple? Yes! Simple doesnt necessarily mean easy. For some people dropping these foods is a major lifestyle change and they would rather just bitch & moan about being overweight instead of doing something about it.

However, others like the lady above will take action and end up losing the most fat of their life in just a few weeks. It’s up to you!
Give this a shot for 2 weeks and see how you feel and look. I guarantee you’ll be SHOCKED by how much better you look…

Friday, June 17, 2011

Discover How To Get Soft Smooth Skin

Let me tell you a quick story. I don't think that the majority of the cosmetics companies don't know how to get soft smooth skin; I simply think that they aren't honestly trying to help you. The reason that I believe this is that there are tons of all natural compounds that have been proven effective in helping people to achieve the healthy, wrinkle free skin. Most of the cosmetics companies refuse to use them.

What your skin needs are the antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids that plant derived oils, waxes, and extracts provide. What the typical skin care formula contains is little more than a combination of synthetics and chemical agents. These compounds will not give you the smooth, healthy skin you are after, and some of them could in fact have a negative effect on your health.

How to get soft smooth skin is not by applying the lowest quality ingredients available, but this is exactly what many in the cosmetics industry are forcing you to do. The reason that they are doing this is money, because the healthy, natural ingredients you need simply cost more to process than these other chemicals do. Using chemicals and synthetics help the cosmetics companies to maximize their profits.

These are not fly by night organizations that we are talking about here, but companies that enjoy profits in the billions each year. These companies could well afford the extra cost involved in giving you the ingredients that you need to be successful. Instead, they are allowing you to absorb substances into your skin that are known in many cases to be toxic to human beings, and carcinogenic.

These products often do provide you with a few natural compounds that they claim are the answer as to how to get soft smooth skin, but they won't actually help you. We have all heard from the cosmetics companies about how effective their collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid formulas are at reducing the wrinkles in your skin. The fact is though that these compounds cannot help you at all.

Collagen and elastin proteins and hyaluronic acid polymer are of too great a molecular density for your skin to be able to absorb them. Despite the fact that some companies claim to use 'bio-available' versions of these substances there is actually no such thing. These compounds are insoluble, and we are not anywhere close to finding a way to break them down.

The answer as to how to get soft smooth skin is through all natural products that feature the enzyme and protein fusion Cynergy TK, and Phytessence Wakame kelp derivative. The way these ingredients work is that they significantly increase the amount of collagen and elastin you are producing, and protect your hyaluronic acid from being degraded by enzymes present in the skin.

In conclusion, the plant based compounds in these formulas are will moisturize your skin effectively, and will reduce your wrinkles by reversing free radical damage. These formulas are truly how to get soft smooth skin, and you owe it to yourself to give them a try.

You can learn more insights by visiting my web site and discovering more natural ingredients I personally use daily.

For more information visit: Skin Brightener Dermology or GET YOUR RISK FREE TRIAL NOW!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Prenatal Massage

What is prenatal massage? 
Prenatal Massage is a form of therapeutic bodywork that is geared to meet the unique needs of the pregnant woman. Promoting better function of muscles and joints, prental massage also improves circulation and overall body tone. Additionally, prenatal massage decreases mental and physical fatigue as well.

Mutually beneficial, by having regular prenatal massage therapy, mothers are more relaxed; thus allowing the new life inside to be nourished. Prenatal massage is usually begun during the 2nd and/or third trimesters of pregnancy. While lying on her side, a pregnant woman can be massaged on her side, in a semi-reclining position, and even on her belly, with the use of a specially-designed pillow. With low lighting and soft music, prenatal massage is performed via gentle massage strokes over the back and entire body.

Helping to relieve sciatic nerve pain and multiple other conditions experienced during pregnancy, prenatal massage is an effective therapy for helping to calm, and promote overall wellbeing. To learn more about prenatal massage or if you are interested in becoming a prenatal massage therapist, feel free to peruse our holistic practitioner and healing arts schools directories today at

by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot in conjunction with Holistic Junction
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